1) ambition beyond recognition. defy easily consumable narratives, be gnarly & ruthlessly indigestible.
2) boundaries are not borders. protect your energy from those who live for you but would never die for you.
3) perfection is loneliness. purity is not the goal, it never was.
4) conformity is not community: be yourself even when it hurts. especially when it hurts.
5) your greatest gifts are your biggest flaws and your biggest flaws are your greatest gifts. this is a contradiction: so are you.
6) be as fluent in the language of injury as complicity: embrace simultaneity in everyone & everything.
7) there are as many ways to be as there are people in this world. infinity is not chaos, it just is.
8 ) remove everything in your path that keeps you from making art.
9) forgive but do not forget. empathize but do not enable. care, but do not mistake fixing other people as fixing yourself.
10) don’t confuse the way you have come to live with the only way to live. remain open to the universe inviting you to shift.
11) run into the flames. never forget: we have been taught to fear the very things that have the potential to set us free.